Why you should never try to baptize guy in Netherlands

[23:25:34] guyinholland says: romania is full of baptists [23:25:41] guyinholland says: well … american businesses [23:25:53] guyinholland says: this one is a former univ colleague [23:25:55] guyinholland says: baptist from romania: ei sun mincinosi, vezi ii ca si in povestea lu Nobel, cred ca el a facut dinamita, daca imi aduc aminte bine, el a…

You know you’ve been in Lithuania for too long when…

You only eat in restaurant-chains, which start with Čili You put ketchup on your pizza and think that’s the way Italians do it Half of your friends disappear to work in the British Isles or Scandinavia or the United States and you think that’s normal You have become tired of explaining to your friends and…

Why metaphor works?

The question, which arose was – why metaphor works? Should it not be formed according to our life experiences, religious beliefs, country we live and surrounding environment? The answer is somewhat moody – if you do not have experience and archetypes when creating metaphor – your expression could be not so effective, but in general…