Europe needs the ‘shocking’ Czechs :: Bruno Waterfield in Brussels Conservative Roman Catholic Poland is depicted by a sculpture of priests raising the rainbow flag of the gay movement, subverting the iconic image of the American soldiers planting the Stars and Stripes on Iwi Jima. “A surreal vision of the interconnection of that which can…
Parov Stelar – Libella Swing
Let’s swing
Official Google Blog: The global Zeitgeist
Official Google Blog: The global Zeitgeist “…On the other hand, cultural differences still abound. Russians elected Dmitri Medvedev as their president, but a couple of popular musical acts got more attention from Google searchers. And in Poland, the 5th fastest-rising term was “Jozin z Bazin,” an old 1978 Czech song that roughly translates to, “Joe…
Transhuman Principles 1.0a – DRAFT 1.0
1. Transcend! Strive to remove the evolved limits of our biological and intellectual inheritance, the physical limits of our environment, and the cultural and historical limits of society that constrain individual and collective progress. 2. Pragmatism. Use whatever tools prove effective toward this goal. Technology, and the intellectual disciplines used to develop it, are currently…
Le Grand Content
Nice video, (il)semantic web.
I’m not abroad, I’m abloke
I’m not abroad, I’m ablokeOriginally uploaded by Vimrod1
LEGO Mindstorms Creations
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash I want this for christmas. Have you wondered where skynet roots are? Not anymore.
Walking Assist Device Prototype : DigInfo
Imagine this and a joint (or walking back home from the party).
Mythbusters water heater
This is why I _always_ close the bathroom door (while showering). The only difference would be – Mora boiler is real time gas boiler (=more power)