CZ art hoax Cerny, and his main collaborators Kristof Kintera and Tomas Pospiszyl apologized to Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek and other government ministers Tuesday, according to a statement on the artist’s Web site, for ” not having informed them about what is true and for having misled them.The statement adds that Cerny and his colleagues initially…

Europe needs the ‘shocking’ Czechs :: Bruno Waterfield in Brussels

Europe needs the ‘shocking’ Czechs :: Bruno Waterfield in Brussels Conservative Roman Catholic Poland is depicted by a sculpture of priests raising the rainbow flag of the gay movement, subverting the iconic image of the American soldiers planting the Stars and Stripes on Iwi Jima. “A surreal vision of the interconnection of that which can…

Why you should never try to baptize guy in Netherlands

[23:25:34] guyinholland says: romania is full of baptists [23:25:41] guyinholland says: well … american businesses [23:25:53] guyinholland says: this one is a former univ colleague [23:25:55] guyinholland says: baptist from romania: ei sun mincinosi, vezi ii ca si in povestea lu Nobel, cred ca el a facut dinamita, daca imi aduc aminte bine, el a…