Cerny, and his main collaborators Kristof Kintera and Tomas Pospiszyl apologized to Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek and other government ministers Tuesday, according to a statement on the artist’s Web site, for ” not having informed them about what is true and for having misled them.The statement adds that Cerny and his colleagues initially…
Let us entertain you
This thing killed me today (apart from few beers, few shots of whiskey and the devil knows what more). And no – fff doesn’t stand for fuck fuck fuck. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Why you should never try to baptize guy in Netherlands
[23:25:34] guyinholland says: romania is full of baptists [23:25:41] guyinholland says: well … american businesses [23:25:53] guyinholland says: this one is a former univ colleague [23:25:55] guyinholland says: baptist from romania: ei sun mincinosi, vezi ii ca si in povestea lu Nobel, cred ca el a facut dinamita, daca imi aduc aminte bine, el a…
PsyBlog: Why We do Dumb or Irrational Things: 10 Brilliant Social Psychology Studies
Great compilation of social experiments. Enjoy Aurel 😉 PsyBlog: Why We do Dumb or Irrational Things: 10 Brilliant Social Psychology Studies
Why metaphor works?
The question, which arose was – why metaphor works? Should it not be formed according to our life experiences, religious beliefs, country we live and surrounding environment? The answer is somewhat moody – if you do not have experience and archetypes when creating metaphor – your expression could be not so effective, but in general…
On Metaphor and Advertisement
..So the start of journey to rhetoric is to understand how unconsciousness works, to go deep to psycholinguistics. As it has been mentioned before – this is related to unique skill of a human – to notice and summarize similarities between different individuals and object classes. It is the same principle which is used in…
Semantic Fields and Tag Clouds
Tag Clouds can create perfect semantic fields and it is possible to understand more about the author (in case of blogs), the main idea of website and the spirit of the community (in case of portals or social networking sites). Also semantic fields can be used to explain for the customer why in the hell…