You love Google? Hate it? In any case – cool video playlist on how Google deals with hacking. Want it or not – your information is in Google servers and somebody has to protect it. Five elite security teams. Six never-before-told stories. Go behind the scenes with the hacking teams at Google keeping more…
Transhuman Principles 1.0a – DRAFT 1.0
1. Transcend! Strive to remove the evolved limits of our biological and intellectual inheritance, the physical limits of our environment, and the cultural and historical limits of society that constrain individual and collective progress. 2. Pragmatism. Use whatever tools prove effective toward this goal. Technology, and the intellectual disciplines used to develop it, are currently…
LEGO Mindstorms Creations
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash I want this for christmas. Have you wondered where skynet roots are? Not anymore.
The pirate machine
The story – Photo by on Unsplash
Classification of tunneled SSH traffic
Interesting paper about SSH tunnels – how to detect application which is using them. PID578397b – Upload a Document to Scribd Read this document on Scribd: PID578397b
Emergency Party Button
The Emergency Party Button began as a novelty idea that has become the focus of every event that goes on in our home. A big red button is, by human nature, an object of compulsion. If you see it, you are overcome with the desire to push it. But what happens when you do?…
How a pair of American spies created the Soviet Silicon Valley | The Register
Sovieticomania. Thanks, Aurel, for the link! (PODCAST) How a pair of American spies created the Soviet Silicon Valley | The Register
Brain Stimulant: SyNAPSE
Skynet anyone? “Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics” also known as SyNAPSE is the US military’s attempt at creating an artificial intelligence, presumably to take over the function of human operators for unmanned land/aerial vehicles and to possibly be used to pilot future bombs (smart bombs on steroids). Brain Stimulant: SyNAPSE
Attack on computer memory reveals vulnerability of widely used security systems
Attack on computer memory reveals vulnerability of widely used security systems . An interesting news about breaking into laptops, which are "secured" by encrypting disks. TrueCrypt is also vulnerable (due to generic design of the encryption suite). "Disk encryption technologies rely on the use of secret keys — essentially large random numbers — to…
Humanized – for keyboard geeks
I have seen this in Europython conference, but somehow it did not occur to me to try it. Recently a friend has sent me a link and then it started. I am writing about Humanized Enso – this is little piece of software I have fallen in love with. From their website: „ Software is…