Cerny, and his main collaborators Kristof Kintera and Tomas Pospiszyl apologized to Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek and other government ministers Tuesday, according to a statement on the artist’s Web site, for ” not having informed them about what is true and for having misled them.The statement adds that Cerny and his colleagues initially wanted to use 27 European artists for “Entropa”, but fell short due to lack of time and money. Instead, they say, they decided to create fictional artists, some of whom have even been given their own Web sites.advertisementCerny says he knew the truth would eventually come out but adds: “We believe that the environment of Brussels is capable of ironic self-reflection, we believe in the sense of humor of European nations and their representatives.
Photo By VitVit – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,